A branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and El Paso

Auth.Outlands.org Available

Unto the brilliant and dedicated populace of the Outlands do I send greetings!

I am excited to announce the beta releases of the new Outlands Authorization Portal!  This is a web/browser based marshal authorization portal that can be accessed through a web browser on your digital device of choice!  

This is a BETA release to increase accessibility to marshal authorizations by the mighty Outlands Populace.


TLDR – new BETA release authorization portal is available to increase accessibility to marshal authorizations.  There will be bugs! Be kind! My predecessors and their teams are fabulous and I appreciate them!  Both virtual and in person training for the marshalate and MOLs on the new system are scheduled.



This is a BETA release, which means we *will* find more bugs (we have stomped out many, but bugs are prolific!). If you encounter an issue, please submit a ticket via the “Report an Issue” link so that we can address it as soon as possible.  “We” in this case actually means Doña Ibara – a singular volunteer that has made this new version a reality and will be addressing any technical  issues that arise – and myself.  Please be patient!  Please be kind!  We want this to work well even more than each of you does, and as ever, there will be growing pains.

To access the portal go to auth.outlands.org

– From this site you can search your SCA name (or a portion of it and select yourself from the drop down menu), and if you have an authorization on file you will be able to access ALL of your authorizations in one place! 
– You can also hit the view PDF link on your authorization to save, download, and print a PDF which can be used as proof of authorization as well as the digital format! 

– IF your name or authorization is highlighted in RED; this either means that your authorization and/or membership has expired since you were authorized  – if your membership expired since the time you were authorized all of your authorizations will be marked as expired; please see your local authorizing marshal to get reauthorized and update your membership expiration

– IF you believe there is an error with the data for your authorization and you are incorrectly highlighted in red, PLEASE use the REPORT AN ISSUE link so that we can double check the data


Since this is a BETA release aimed at increasing accessibility to authorizations for the populace, it means that training within the Marshalate and the Ministry of the List is forthcoming.  In person and virtual training times will be available during this transition.

Virtual training dates/times:

Please email earlmarshal@outlands.org and rapiermarshal@outlands.org if you would like to attend one of these virtual training sessions.

– Authorizing marshals: August 19, 7pm and September 4, 7pm

– MOLs and Knight Marshals: August 27, 7pm

In person training will also be available at the following upcoming events via Doña Ibara:

– Northern Prize & Baronial Champions

– Stags Con

– Crown Tournament

We will be phasing out StgsApp over the next two months, and moving fully to the Outlands Authorization Portal on October 1, 2024.  Both Stags App and Outlands Authorization Portal authorizations will be accepted as valid proof of authorization until that date.


– I want to give a huge thank you and credit to Doña Ibara for creating this new tool for the OUTLANDS.  She has created this version and I believe it will be well worth the wait!

– Also, a huge thank you to Graf Iohann for his support in creating this new tool!

– I want to thank my predecessors Her Royal Majesty Adrien and Baron Ronan and their teams of volunteers for all of the work they put into previous iterations, which allowed us to keep doing what we love (competing/fighting) by maintaining the corporate requirements we have to adhere to.

– I also want to call out Baron Bernardo for helping me maintain the technical requirements to keep StagsApp as functional as possible during my tenure as Earl Marshal (I do NOT tech).

Without these volunteers and their COUNTLESS hours of work, we would have been in multiple different pickles over the last few years.

And finally, I want to thank YOU, the populace of the Outlands, for your patience as we have navigated (and will continue to navigate) the challenges of such a monumental change from a paper system to a digital one.

Thank you all!

Please remember to be kind to our volunteers, our friends, and ourselves as we continue to move forward.  

Your Friendly Neighborhood Earl Marshal,

Countess Beatrice de Craie, KSCA