The Honorable Lord Fjolverkr the Red was victorious in the Outlands Crown Tournament, on the 14th day of October, and will stand with Mistress Melissa of Monster Hall as Heirs to the Crown of the Outlands.
The rounds of the tournament were as follows:
First Round
THL Fjolverkr the Red, inspired by Countess Melissa of Monster Hall, challenged and defeated Sir Brennainn MacDuffie, inspired by Lady Aurelia Salutia.
Don Erich Geisler, inspired by Stalmeisterin Apollonia Zawmstricker, challenged and was defeated by Baron Simon Montgomery, inspired by Countess Aria de Chatillon.
THL Jose Taberna de Torquemada, inspired by Dõna Genoveva Meyer, challenged and defeated Jarl Bardolf Gunwaldtsson, inspired by Countess Sabiha al-Zarqa’ al-Karakiyya.
THL Frosti Grimmarson, inspired by Duchess Anna de Apperleye, challenged and was defeated by Uighur-un Buqu Bagadur, inspired by Mistress Catriona nic Aoidh.
THL Tachibana “Hayate” Hideaki, inspired by Lady Tu La, had the bye.
Second Round
Uighur-un Buqu Bagadur defeated THL Jose Taberna de Torquemada.
Sir Brennainn MacDuffie defeated and eliminated Jarl Bardolf Gunwaldtsson.
Baron Simon Montgomery defeated THL Tachibana “Hayate” Hideaki.
THL Frosti Grimmarson defeated THL Fjolverkr the Red.
Don Erich Geisler had the bye.
Third Round
Baron Simon Montgomery defeated and eliminated THL Jose Taberna de Torquemada.
Sir Brennainn MacDuffie defeated and eliminated THL Frosti Grimmarson.
THL Fjolverkr the Red defeated and eliminated THL Tachibana “Hayate” Hideaki.
Uighur-un Buqu Bagadur defeated and eliminated Don Erich Geisler.
Fourth Round
THL Fjolverkr the Red defeated Baron Simon Montgomery.
Sir Brennainn MacDuffie defeated Uighur-un Buqu Bagadur.
Fifth Round
THL Fjolverkr the Red defeated and eliminated Sir Brennainn MacDuffie.
Baron Simon Montgomery defeated Uighur-un Buqu Bagadur.
Sixth Round
THL Fjolverkr the Red defeated Baron Simon Montgomery to stand as Heir to the Crown of the Outlands with Mistress Melissa of Monster Hall.