August 2 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Join us for our annual martial champions event on Saturday, August 2, 2025. This event will be day of fun and pageantry held in Mineral Palace Park, on the same spot we have our weekly Combat Practice. There will be tournaments to determine who will be our First Spear (armored combat champion), and our Blade (rapier champion) for the coming year. Anyone may enter and win the prizes up for grabs in these tournaments. Only members of the Barony of Aarquelle may claim the titles of “First Spear of Aarquelle,” or “Blade of Aarquelle.” There will be prizes for Best Death, Best Walk-In (think WWE, or Chaucer’s intros in the movie Knight’s Tale), and Best Visual Heraldic Display.
The tournaments for Aarquelle’s Warden (archery champion), and Sentinel of the Keep (crossbow champion) will be held on a separate date to be determined at the Bighorn Archery Range. More details will follow.
This site is a lovely shaded park, so bring a picnic lunch for yourselves and remember as a PUBLIC park it is VERY DRY. As the site is in the middle of the city, there are plenty of food choices nearby.
Aarquelle Defender will be having a Largesse drive/competition of some kind. Stay tuned for more details. Lady Solvieg Stephenson is coordinating this event.
Aarquelle Defender Schedule:
10:00 Site Opens
10:30 Opening Court
11:00 Blade Tournament (Aarquelle’s Rapier Champion)
1:00 First Spear Tournament (Aarquelle’s Armored Champion)
3:00 Largesse Derby Closes
3:30-ish Closing Court
DIRECTIONS: Take I-25 to Pueblo, and use exit 99B– 13th Street Exit. Head west on 13th Street, and turn right (north) at the first stoplight. Mineral Palace Park will be right in front of you. The event is in the western part of the park.
- Adult Members (Age 18+) Registration Fee: $10
- There is a $10 Non-Member surcharge NOT included above.
Syr Teigr