March 29 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

al-Barran! Please join Their Royal Majesties of the Outlands at the Baronial Polling, and make your feelings known as to who you believe should next serve as the Baronial Coronet.
It is the desire of Their Majesties to poll all members of the Barony to ascertain your opinions concerning the candidates who have expressed their desire to serve as Baron and/or Baroness of al-Barran. Please bring proof of paid membership with you to ensure you receive the appropriate polling slip. If you are unable to attend, please share your thoughts with Their Majesties via email at
Event Steward
Phaidra of Phaestos
There is no site fee for this event.
Site opens at 10 AM and closes at 4 PM. The polling will run from 10 AM to 3 PM.
Keep an eye out for updates on fun activities that will run alongside the polling.