April 5 @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Hunting and Feasting and Gaming, Oh My!
Come join the Shire of Plattefordham in a day of feasting and frolicking as we rejoice in the changing of the seasons. To mark this festive occasion, please wear your most brightly colored attire!
The hunter’s horn sounds loud in the distance inviting one and all to seek the elusive beast (an easily identifiable individual wearing a fancy baldric and quiver). Simply sneak your spears into its quiver without being caught; the person with the most spears in the quiver between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM will receive a prize!
Table games and other entertainment will also be available.
A light traveler’s fare brunch will be available throughout the day. Please bring your favorite dish (with ingredients list) to share with your friends for the 3:00 PM potluck. The Shire will provide various proteins and simple beverages.
Event Steward
Lynne Miller
Adult $20
Adult Member $10
Under 17 free
All fees for the event must be paid with cash or check.
Plattefordham Prize Tournament
All authorized fighters are encouraged to stay and face off in the Plattefordham Prize Tournament (heavy and light if there is sufficient interest) the following day at our normal fighter practice – 2:00 PM at Washington Park in Casper, weather permitting.
Additional Information
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