February 17, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Brigit was a pre-Christian Celtic Goddess and was celebrated in late winter with Imbolc, loosely translated as “ewe’s milk” and indicates that the sheep are lambing and a new season has begun. St. Brigid was a 5th century Irish woman adopted as a patron saint for dairy workers & farmers, blacksmiths, poets and midwives & healers.
We will make St. Brigid’s crosses, have games and ask the populace to entertain during feast with a song or poem. A feast will feature spring foods. A menu will be published to social media and our web site once it is settled on.
This promises to be a day of fun, food and friends so don’t miss this chance to visit the Shining Hill for our first feast since the dark years.
Adult: $25, Adult Members: $20, no charge for youth 17 and under