A branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and El Paso

al-Barran Baronial Polling

The Menaul School 301 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico

al-Barran! Please join Their Royal Majesties of the Outlands at the Baronial Polling, and make your feelings known as to who you believe should next serve as the Baronial Coronet. […]

Feast of the Valkyries

Converse County Library – Glenrock Meeting House 506 South 4th St., Glenrock, Wyoming, United States

Hunting and Feasting and Gaming, Oh My! Come join the Shire of Plattefordham in a day of feasting and frolicking as we rejoice in the changing of the seasons. To […]

The Guild Presents: A Feast of Fools

Sedillo Park Francisco de Avondo, Socorro, New Mexico, United States

we invite you to sharpen your wit and unsheathe your blade! Join us for a lavish feast, heavy and light combat tournaments, and a day of revelry befitting the finest fools of history.

Spring Crown Tournament

Caballo Lake State Park 10 Palomino Road, Caballo, New Mexico, United States

This year’s Spring Crown Tournament will be Set in the spring warmed winds of the southern Outlands, Caballo Lake State Park is situated along the mighty river of the Rio […]

May Day

North Mesa Pavilion 3917 West Road, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States

Shire of Bryngalau
(Los Alamos, NM)

Unser Hafen Investiture

University Center Ballroom 2101 10th Ave, Greeley, Colorado, United States

Barony of Unser Hafen
(Greeley, CO)

50th Grand Outlandish Tournament

Ten Points General Store 10484 NM 337, Tijeras, New Mexico, United States

Barony of al-Barran
(Albuquerque, NM)

Fire on the Plains

Antelope Run 36725 Fiddleback Ranch Circle, Kiowa, Colorado, United States

Barony of Caerthe
(Kiowa, CO)

War of the Lillies [Out of Kingdom]

Kelsey Short Youth Camp 17980 Collins Rd, Smithville, Missouri, United States

Hosted by the Kingdom Of Calontir in Smithville, MO

Battlemoor 2025

Kingdom of the Outlands
Aguilar, Colorado

A Day In The Park

Bear Creek Regional Park 21st Street & Argus Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Barony of Dragonnspine
Colorado Springs, CO

Aarquelle Defender

Mineral Palace Park 1600 N. Santa Fe, Pueblo, Colorado, United States

Barony of Aarquelle
(Pueblo, CO)

Dragon’s Fount of Knowledge

Library 21C 1175 Voyager Pkwy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Dragon’s Fount of Knowledge would be an event that consists of purely classes with the topics rangingacross all of what we do in and for the game. This will range […]

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