A branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and El Paso

A decorated tent and camp at battlemoor

Office of the Chamberlain

The chamberlain is responsible for keeping and maintaining kingdom regalia. Please contact me if you would like to commission or make any items for our kingdom, whether it be for our king, queen, retinue positions or officers of state.

I will also put out requests for new regalia that is wanted by the king, queen, and officers of state. Donations are always appreciated. Please make sure they are useful items that we don’t already have in excess.

If you are personally gifting to the king or queen you do not need to contact me. I only keep track of items that will be passed down through the reigns. 

Thus, if you are looking for a specific item that was gifted in the past, I can help you find out where it is. 

Please also contact me if you are interested in helping by being a deputy or artisan advisor. 


Heraldry of the officer of the exchequer

Kingdom Chamberlain

Baroness Beibhinn Inghean Ui Sheibhlinn

Deputy Chamberlain

Lareow Nerienda of Elmet

Interested in filling a vacant position?

Documents & Forms