- Kingdom of the Outlands’ Arts and Sciences Tournament is open to all paid SCA members.
- No item may be entered which has previously won or placed in any other Kingdom level A&S Tournament. (Queen’s prize does not apply)
- Entries can not be entered into multiple categories.
- A winner will be announced for each division unless there is only one entry in that division. The highest point score will determine the winner of each division. These winners will be announced in court, in the Kingdom newsletter as well as via social media. The final decision will reside with the Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences.
The divisions are as follows:- a. Visual Arts – Paint and Ink
- b. Fiber Arts – Fiber Arts, Costuming
- c. Domestic Arts – Brewing and Beverage, Cooking, Flora and Fauna
- d. Bardic Arts – Performing Arts, Creative Writing (non-research)
- e. Sciences – Sciences, Letters, Research Papers (research)
- f. Functional Arts – Metal, Leather, Earthenware, Stone, Glass, Wood,
- Individuals wanting to compete for champion must enter three items in a minimum
of 2 different categories. Each entry must have its own separate registration
submitted. Categories are as follows:- 1. Bookbinding
- 2. Brewing
- 3. Costuming
- 4. Earthenware
- 5. Fiber Arts
- 6. Flora and Fauna
- 7. Glass
- 8. Leatherworking
- 9. Letters – Non-Research
- 10. Letters – Research
- 11. Metalworking
- 12. Performing Arts
- 13. Cooking
- 14. Sciences
- 15. Stone working
- 16. Visual Arts – Painted & Inked
- 17. Woodworking
- Overall scores will be tallied of those who have entered for A&S Champion and the entrant with the highest overall average will be declared the Champion. In the event of a tie in the averages, the entrant with the highest single score of the three will be declared the winner.
- If A&S Champion requirements are NOT met, alternate Champion requirements will be determined by the Crown or the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences.
- An entry’s total score will be an average of the two scores given by the judges in that division.
- Entrants will receive their comment sheets at the end of the event day. Comment sheets must be picked up.
- Each entrant must be and remain on site as well as be available to speak with the judges at their scheduled time.
- All entrants must pre-register for the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Tournament before the event.
- If an entry is in the form of a scholarly paper, it must be submitted at the same time as pre-registration.
- All entries must be finished and complete by the start of the Arts and Sciences Competition.
- Actual pieces must be entered – no photographs or reproductions will be accepted.
- Items manufactured from kits are not eligible for entry; templates, though, may be used.
- The Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences and designated representatives reserve the right to make exceptions to all of the above rules on a case-by-case basis.
- Entries must be on-site and checked in by 9:00 am on the day of the event.