Barony of al-Barran
al-Barran Baronial Polling
al-Barran! Please join Their Royal Majesties of the Outlands at the Baronial Polling, and make your feelings known as to who you believe should next serve as the Baronial Coronet. […]
Southern Outlands A&S Competition Preparation
Artisans of the Southern Outlands! The Not-So-Scary-Arts & Sciences-Competition Experience is coming your way. This regional event is intended to give you experience and feedback for a Kingdom level competition. […]
Toys for Tots
al-Barran warmly welcomes you to Toys for Tots. Let us come together in fellowship, feasting, and fighting to gather toys for children for the upcoming holiday season. Site is Dry […]
Champions of al-Barran
Long have the Champions of al-Barran born the mantle of their offices, long have they defended and served their barony. Now is the time for them to relinquish their titles and take their […]
The Guild Presents: A Sworded Nocks
The Guild Presents: A Sworded Nocks A Sworded Affaire and Nock on Wood. Two legendary events. What if – hear me out – What if they were held at the same […]
al-Barran Midwinter & War Practice
The Mediterranean Basin has been the cradle of world civilization since the first settlements in Jericho in 9000 BC. Known in English and the romance languages as the sea between […]
al-Barran Summerfest Demo
al-Barran will be hosting a demo at Albuquerque’s annual Summerfest event. Join us as we showcase our artistic endeavors, present feats of martial glory, and bring the pageantry of the […]
Grand Outlandish Tournament
All roads lead to al-Barran as you make the journey for Grand Outlandish Tournament. Join us over Memorial Day weekend – there is something for everyone, and everyone is welcome! Join us as […]
al-Barran Midwinter
Long ago travelers following the Silk Road between the steps of Asia and the Mediterranean would winter in thewarm climates of friendly Persian cities, and enjoy the hospitality of their rich […]